Federal Resources U.S. Department of Education::Implementing the Recovery Act USED's Guidance regarding use of the education Recovery Act funds: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part C Guidance:: Using ARRA Funds to Drive School Reform and Improvement (MS Word) (Apr 24, 2009) Guidance:: Implementing RTI Using Title I, Title III and CEIS Funds (Sep 4, 2009)(PDF) (46 pgs) Table (last updated 04/02/2009) showing the Initial Release of Recovery Act Funds, by State PDF [14KB] and MS Excel [44KB] Table (last updated 04/15/2009) showing the distribution of FY08, Recovery Act and FY09 funds to each state by program MONITORING:: OSEP Memorandum on ARRA monitoring activities Dec 6, 2010 (PDF, 2 pgs) - Additional information on OSEP Monitoring activities
U.S. Department of Education:: Education Jobs Fund program (Ed Jobs) The Education Jobs Fund (Ed Jobs) program was an additional Federal program that provided $10 billion in assistance to States to save or create education jobs for the 2010-2011 school year. It was not part of the Recovery Act.
Government Accountability Office::Following the Money GAO's bimonthly reviews examine how Recovery Act funds are being spent and whether they are achieving the act's goals. Reviews focus on 16 states and the District of Columbia, which contain about 65 percent of the U.S. population and are also estimated to receive about two-thirds of the intergovernmental grants funds available through the Recovery Act. The official oversight of the Recovery Act funds.
Learning Point Associates:: Education Recovery and Reinvestment Act Center Extensive federal information on the Education funds provided in the Recovery Act from Learning Point Associates, a federally funded center. Council for Exceptional Children:: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act information Extensive information on IDEA ARRA funds, FAQs, fund distribution charts, etc. from the Council for Exceptional Children. State and Local Information Education Writers Association:: Edmoney.org Provides information on ARRA education funds available and spent by state and local school district. Learning Point Associates:: Education Recovery and Reinvestment Act State Info Center Extensive state level information on the Education funds provided in the Recovery Act from Learning Point Associates, a federally funded center.